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INI File | 1995-07-05 | 3.3 KB | 79 lines |
- ;/*****************************************************************************
- ;Name : OemSetup.inf
- ;Title : GrafixStar 500 OEM Setup File
- ;Author : Michael D'Silva
- ;Created : 01/02/95
- ; :
- ;Copyright : 1995 by VideoLogic Limited. All rights reserved.
- ; : No part of this software, either material or conceptual
- ; : may be copied or distributed, transmitted, transcribed,
- ; : stored in a retrieval system or translated into any
- ; : human or computer language in any form by any means,
- ; : electronic, mechanical, manual or other-wise, or
- ; : disclosed to third parties without the express written
- ; : permission of VideoLogic Limited, Unit 8, HomePark
- ; : Industrial Estate, King's Langley, Hertfordshire,
- ; : WD4 8LZ, U.K.
- ; :
- ;Description : This file is used by Windows Setup for installing the
- ; : Display Drivers.
- ; :
- ;Program Type : Windows 3.1
- ;Modifications : None
- ;*****************************************************************************/
- [data]
- Version="3.10"
- ; Setup expects all the files to be on this disk.
- [disks]
- 1 =. ,"GrafixStar 500 Setup Disk",disk1
- ; Display Driver, Grabber and VxD information.
- [display]
- GrafixStar = 1:vls3868.drv, "GrafixStar 500", "100,96,96", 1:vgacolor.2gr, 1:vgalogo.lgo, 1:vdds3x68.386, 1:s3911grb.3gr,, 1:vgalogo.rle
- ; Copy these fonts if the 386 grabber is being used
- [s3911grb.3gr]
- 1:CGA40WOA.FON,1:CGA40850.FON
- 1:CGA80WOA.FON,1:CGA80850.FON
- 1:EGA40WOA.FON,1:EGA40850.FON
- 1:EGA80WOA.FON,1:EGA80850.FON
- [sysfonts]
- 1:vgasys.fon,"VGA (640x480) resolution System Font", "100,96,96"
- 1:8514sys.fon,"8514/a (1024x768) resolution System Font", "100,120,120"
- [fixedfonts]
- 1:vgafix.fon,"VGA (640x480) resolution Fixed System Font", "100,96,96"
- 1:8514fix.fon,"8514/a (1024x768) resolution Fixed System Font", "100,120,120"
- [oemfonts]
- 1:vgaoem.fon,"VGA (640x480) resolution Terminal Font (USA/Europe)", "100,96,96",1
- 1:8514oem.fon,"8514/a (1024x768) resolution Terminal Font (USA/Europe)", "100,120,120",1
- [fonts]
- 1:SSERIFE.FON, "MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
- 1:SSERIFF.FON, "MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"
- 1:COURE.FON, "Courier 10,12,15 (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
- 1:COURF.FON, "Courier 10,12,15 (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"
- 1:SERIFE.FON, "MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
- 1:SERIFF.FON, "MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"
- 1:SYMBOLE.FON, "Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
- 1:SYMBOLF.FON, "Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"
- 1:SMALLE.FON, "Small Fonts (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
- 1:SMALLF.FON, "Small Fonts (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"